--> AoA | Art of Adversity
Play and Superposition

Play and Superposition

As an organization, the SFE is familiar with stress-based bonding as we share an annual sense of urgency, danger, and competitive challenge in the N. Ontario Wilderness. But this weekend will be our first SFE reunion where candidates and cadre get together to chill...

Cognitive Biases

Cultivating farsightedness—seeing beyond the immediate to grasp the bigger picture—is a crucial skill in today’s fast-paced world. This skill helps us avoid superficial judgments that can lead to unintended consequences. Last week, I briefly touched on this in “My...

Problematic Leadership

People have been asking me what my opinion is about the assassination attempt on Trump. I guess this is because I was a sniper. My opinion is that it’s incredibly sad and also, unfortunately, there’s nothing about a bullied kid having a violent, remarkably public...